You score higher in cognitive reappraisal and low in expressive suppression. This means you tend to manage your emotions by reframing situations in your mind. Both cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression are key to balanced emotional regulation.
Verenigma is a useful tool to help you to reflect upon your emotions. Using Verenigma’s activity tracking and analysis helps to identify effective strategies to improve your emotional and mental health.
You score higher in expressive suppression. This means you tend to manage your emotions by controlling your outward expression of them. While this can be effective in some situations, it may be beneficial to explore other strategies, such as cognitive reappraisal, to broaden your emotional regulation toolbox. Verenigma can help you to reflect upon your emotions and identify positive strategies for improving your mood and mental health.
Your scores for cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression are equal. This suggests you use a balanced approach to emotional regulation, adjusting your strategy based on the situation.
While this means your emotional regulation is good, Verenigma can help users to monitor their mental health to avoid a decline, as well as identifying self care activities that are most effective in improving your mood and mental health.