Understanding Yourself to Achieve Emotional Balance

May 15, 2024

Persistent chronic stress arising in uncertain and unsafe environments where you are subject to sudden and threatening challenges to your safety causes a reaction of emotional numbing as a stress response. Increasing levels of emotional dysregulation emerge as poor responses to the perceived conditions reinforcing the sense of avoidance.

Resilience to this continuous traumatic stress can be developed by using Verenigma and adapting the framework to forge positive coping strategies based upon your own decisions informed by Verenigma data about your present state.

Being able to relate the internal blunted sense of self to the visualisation of the actual conditions through affect labelling has the effect of reducing the deficit in internal awareness by the repeated interaction of the person with the system which results in improved affective processing, an increased sense of agency and enhanced emotional regulation. This stimulation increases neuronal activation of the anterior cingulate cortex and improves affective processing. This directly increases the connectivity between the anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala, generating enhanced functional resilience.

Verenigma creates emotional clarity, aiding emotional regulation, reducing bottling and shutting down.

Further Reading

The team at Verenigma have compiled further reading regarding various topics, research and findings that relate to Verenigma's work. Learn more about alexithymia, emotional clarity and their interplay with conditions like ADHD, Autism, Bipolar and PTSD.